
Been Much Too Long Between Visits

I know that it has been much too long between visits on this blog.  I have been busy in the garden and in my artwork, therefore have been dedicating my time to my other blog, "Inside the Studio with Onetallartist."  Today I have decided to finish what I have slowly been doing, eradicating plants from the garden.  Some of them have done all they could to serve me with fresh vegetables or fruit, others were still trying to hang on, but now I cannot.  I am too hot and tired to enjoy the garden right now.  So I just pulled up most all of my vegetable plants with the exception of a few cantaloupe and tomato vines. 

That is one of the things I hear the most out of myself and my family members, it is too hot in Texas during the summer.  As I age, I tend to agree more and more with them and their desire to move to a more moderate climate.