
Meeting Notes for February 20, 2010

We had a small group meet this time, seems like our Saturday obligations are already getting heavy. Those of us that could make it discussed a joint seed order from Henry Fields seed company and a field trip to Antique Rose Emporium and either Brenham for lunch and siteseeing or Marthas Bloomers on the way home for some tea and dessert.

The tenative date is set for Saturday, April 24th. This may change is enough of us can go on a day of the week. A little less crowded that way.

Will be informing members of the definate plans in the near future. Keep checking the website for updates.

Until next time, happy gardening.

Spring Is In The Air

Gardens can be so restorative, especially when you are under the weather. Today I am trying to get over a very nasty cold and decided sitting outside in the garden was just what the doctor ordered. I have to take advantage of days like these when I can.

For it is hard to believe just four days ago, we had about 4" of snow covering the garden. With everything so white and the temperature so cold, Spring time seemed so far away. Today is another story, the temperatures are much warmer, the sun is shining and there is evidence of new growth on some of my plants like the rose bushes.

It was fun imagining what some of the wildflowers will look like, for now all I see are the green leaves. How good the potatoes and onions will taste in a few months. What delicious recipes I can find to cook other vegetables that will come in season. I really hope that I can have an abundance this year of produce that I can preserve and last through the winter months, for it was no fun having to eat frozen veggies like squash, yuck. There was absolutely no taste and the texture was mushy to boot.

Until next time, enjoy the garden and all the joy it can give.


Too Many Days Between Visits

Just like this blog it has been too many days between visits to the garden. I don't know about you but the gray, cold winter days don't beckon me to go out into the garden. Although, I have been there just a few days ago to pick some greens and herbs to use in my family's chicken supper it is not yet again a regular ritual.
I am ready to see the plants grow in the warm, spring time sun, poking out their little buds of color, embracing the day. Until those days arrive I will have to be satisfied with planning of my garden and dreaming of beauty returning to the garden replacing the dry, dead of winter.